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Safer Internet Day 2012

Safer Internet Day 2012

Are you aware that:

  • 26% of children report having a public social networking profile.
  • Children of all ages are lacking digital skills – confidence is often not matched by skill!
  • One in eight parents don’t seem to mediate their children’s online activities…
  • 44% of children think that parental mediation limits what they do online, 11% say it limits their activities a lot.
  • 36% of 9-16 year olds claim that they definitely know more about the internet than their parents.
  • 87% of children use the internet at home.

These facts are taken from the EU Kids Online survey. For more results you can visit

Each year the Insafe network which is co-funded by the European Union organises the Safer Internet Day (SID) to raise awareness about safer and more responsible use of online technology. This year SID will be held on Tuesday 7th February. Although its focus is children and young people across the world, parents, teachers and others are encouraged to participate.

Over the years topics such as cyber bulling and ‘think b4 u post’ have been discussed. Each year has a different focus to reflect current concerns and issues. This year Insafe network is focusing on connecting generations, ‘as we invite people of all ages from very young children to parents and grandparents to “discover the digital world together… safely”

Schools can register at to receive their free resource pack which is full of ideas for fun lessons for both elementary and middle school linking to core curriculum values such as ICT, Citizenship, literacy and English.

Suggested Ideas in and out of school for SID 2012:

Organise a school internet-safety open afternoon.

Children could teach parents, grandparents or other local groups how to use the internet safely by means of posters, jingles, photographs, video clips, cartoons or almost anything they can think of.

Organise a coffee morning for parents

Organise a whole school assembly

Organise a grade level assemblies

Create ‘How to’ videos published on the Internet

Organise a SID 2012 week with the above activities organised throughout the week.

There are many other ways that schools, families and organisations can get involved. Check out the official website for further information.

In Cairo, Hayah International Academy will be organising a Safer Internet Week where lessons will be targeting different grade levels with activities suited for each grade level. Students will be encouraged to create posters, cards and videos to teach those who are not aware. Sessions for parents on how to encourage Safer Internet at home will also be delivered. The results of the week effort can be seen at

If you have any ideas please share them with us or if you want to collaborate with the Hayah community then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a Safer Internet experience.

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