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Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

I recently completed a Unit on ‘Information Reliability’, during my year 7s ICT lessons. They were given research activities to carry out using the library as well as the internet and they learnt that not everything posted on the worldwide web is true.

To draw attention to the issue the students watched a video showing how spaghetti is grown on trees. The video was produced by the BBC for April Fool’s Day and presented in the form of a documentary. After viewing the clip, over 70% of the class was made to believe that spaghetti grows on trees! This exercise, challenged the students’ understanding of truth presented through modern technologies such as YouTube and Google, and broadened their understanding of information posted on the internet.

As the students learn about the internet, its use and reliability it is important for them to develop the habit of using this very effective tool in a responsible and mature manner. To encourage this I would like to invite all to support the ‘Safer Internet Day’ today (9th of February). Many European countries will be participating in this campaign to promote the safer use of the internet and to ‘think before you post’.

For further information please visit the following websites. They are reliable!

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