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It’s good to talk

It’s good to talk

It is good to talk.

To die or to dice that is the question. As much as I love technology and how much easier life has become using technology there are times when it is simply best to connect with real people and start a conversation. I wanted to borrow some dice for my science activity but was not sure if I should say, ‘May I borrow some die or dice?’ I would normally Google it in my previous life but normally DuckDuckGo it now. However, in the recent past I am trying to have conversations with human beings rather than search engines.

This question led me to ask three different teachers at my school and I even took the conversation home with me. This question led me to ask three different teachers at my school and I even took the conversation home with me. This led to further discussions in the staff room about the same topic. The instinct is to ask a search engine to answer our daily questions. I am beginning to think wherever possible it might be best to have human contact for discussions. Not only does it build meaningful interaction and conversation, but it also removes the constant need for immediate gratification and answer. It is OK not to know the answer to something immediately, it is OK to think it over for a little longer, and it is OK not to know something.

It is OK to ask. It is good to talk.

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