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Google Plus: Add to your life

Google Plus: Add to your life

Google Plus aka Google+ or G+ is a new attempt by Google to enter the social network market. It’s previous attempts such as Orkut and Buzz had failed to launch. Google’s answer to Facebook is a combination of it’s other products such as Google Buzz and Profiles but with lots of extras.So why are we talking about Google+ another social network? To put it simply as an ICT specialist it would only do justice if I recommend different and new ways to stay in touch with your loved ones through the use of new technologies.

It seems like Google had been the outcast for a long time trying to be loved. So what’s different about this attempt of Google to enter the social network market? For starters its key focus is, understanding that we all have different social networks in real life. We all have our family, work and social networks and sometimes you want to keep them separate and sometimes you don’t. Google+ allows you to do exactly that through what it calls ‘Circles’. You create your circles and add people according to relevance.

Sharing pictures is not only easy but also fun to do on Google+. The photo tab allows you to see all your pictures that you may have taken or others may have tagged you in. You can also separate the pictures through your circles, uploaded from your camera, from your posts or simply from your albums with just a click of a button.  Google really does add a plus to your pictures by adding an online image editor.

Another feature that is becoming a huge hit amongst Google+ fans is the ‘Hangout’ section. This feature is yet again a simple process and can be very useful. Instead of asking your friends to join a group chat, which has video capabilities, you simply click on the ‘start a hangout’ button. You can choose how to publish the invite, be it to certain friends or circles or public to everyone.
I recently had the opportunity to test the ‘hangout’ feature on Google+ and overall minus some connection problems, it worked like a charm. The video chat was with fellow Google Certified Teachers in the States. A call, which normally Skype would take preference. I say Skype watch out.

If you are bored with updating your status, creating circles, adding and editing your pictures, ‘hanging out’ with your friends, then you might want to try the games tab, where you can relax and play games such as Poker, City Ville and Angry Birds. Sharing all the games and your scores is also a click away.

If I have managed to convince you to give Google+ a go then you might want to consider the following:

·  Google+ is not Facebook or Twitter, so has a different way of doing things and in many cases a better way of doing things.

·      Follow people, as an empty social stream will not be very social like, hence you might be put off before you even started to get to know Google+.

·      Add people to different circles. Go ahead and create as many circles as you want as you can always chop and change at a later stage. Don’t be shy.

·      Don’t be scared if people add you to their circle; they only want to know what you are up to. If you do not want them to see what you are doing then a simple click can stop that. By the way you do not have to follow back. It’s your choice.

·  Data liberation means that at any point you are not happy with the service, you can download any data that you uploaded and can be yours as it originally was unlike other services that find it hard to give back what was rightly yours in the first place.

If you have managed to create Google+ account then you might want to be brave enough and follow my ICT Toolbox page on Google+. Google+ pages were very recently introduced as an additional service. If interested go to

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