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CC – Copyleft or Copyright

CC – Copyleft or Copyright

Creative Commons (CC) recently launched its much anticipated International License 4.0. But surprisingly many people are still unaware about the importance and potential of this license and the work that CC team has put together over the past 12 years.

In short Creative Commons is non-profit organisation that aims to provide to the world creative work by artists who want to share their work for the world to enjoy. It’s the ‘copyleft’ movement not the ‘copyright’. It’s copyright redefined, to give greater control to the author.

Any music, writing, video and the like can be simply licensed under Creative Commons. To obtain your CC license go to and click on the ‘choose’ tab and answer the following two questions and you will be provided with the license that suits you with an embedded code to share on your blog or site.
1. Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?
2. Allow commercial uses of your work?

It really is that simple. Below is a very brief and complete list of the Creative Commons (CC) licenses that are available for download and what they actually mean.


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The video below should further help explain what Creative Common is:

As an educator it is a fantastic place to find writing, images, music and videos that I can use without prior approval from the author. I think the world would be a better place if we all learnt how to share. Surely history has shown us how different cultures and civilizations have learnt from others and passed on information for generations after them to use. In the words of the Creative Commons network:
Let us all

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