GNU turns 30

GNU turns 30

GNU has turned 30 today. But what is and what does it mean to us? GNU stands for “GNU’s Not Unix!” which is a recursive acronym.

The man behind this movement is Richard Stallman, who started the ‘Free Software Movement’ in 1983 with the words “Free Unix”. The aim was to offer a Unix based system but completely free under the General Public Licence (GPL).

The past 30 years has taken the GNU system to a world wide following of over millions where more than 95% of world’s supercomputers run free software and a majority of web servers (computers that run and maintain the Internet) run free software.

See below a short presentation about the past, present and future of GNU, GPL and FLOSS.

[slideshare id=26643629&w=476&h=400&fb=0&mw=0&mh=0&sc=no]

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